美と健康 Beauty / Health






韓国の食といって頭に浮かぶのは、キムチや焼き肉、鍋などでしょうか? これらに欠かせないのがにんにくと唐辛子です。韓国ではどちらの食材も毎日豊富に食べています。にんにくは体を温めてくれるのはもちろん、代謝を高め、エネルギーをアップしてくれます。唐辛子も体を温め、代謝を高める効果は抜群です。さらに唐辛子に含まれるカプサイシンのおかげで、太りにくくなるというのもうれしい効果ですね。韓国にスタイルのいい女性が多いのも、この食生活のおかげではないでしょうか。


The Secret of Korean Beauty by Sachiko Ueda

One thing that can be said to be in common about healthy and beautiful Koreans is to live while keeping your body warm as much as possible. The cold slows the blood’s circulation throughout the body robbing it of energy. By warming the body from within, circulation improves, improving both health and mind.

Sauna Culture Warms From Within
There are many people that know of Korea’s well developed sauna culture. In Korea, there are many large public health facilities called jjimjilbang which have saunas, baths and relaxation areas that are also popular with young people. There are areas to lie down and sweat similar to hot stone spas, infrared ray-based high temperature saunas called hanjunmak, herbal baths, and many other different types of facilities to enjoy. To warm your body from within and slowly sweat out the toxins from your body feels really good and I also like to visit these spas myself.

Boosting Your Metabolism with Korean Cuisine
When one thinks of Korean cuisine, kimchi, Korean barbecue and hot pot come to mind. All of these types of cuisine cannot do without garlic and hot peppers. Garlic and hot peppers are both eaten frequently in Korea everyday. Garlic warms the body, improves metabolism and increases energy. Hot peppers also warm the body and greatly increases metabolism. The capsaicin in hot peppers also helps to create a body that does not gain fat easily. These unique qualities of Korean cuisine is probably why there are so many slender Korean women. 

Red ginseng, which is made by steaming then drying regular ginseng, is highly effective against the body’s sensitivity to cold. Red ginseng supplements, tea, and other related products are popular and easy to obtain in Korea. Drinking a lot of warm soup and tea are also effective in keeping the body warm. Drinking warm soup while eating a cold noodle dish and being served warm corn tea instead of cold water in restaurants and other things that make an effort to keep one’s body warm is a natural part of the cultural landscape.
at Marunouchi Salon on August 27, 2010

Asian Beauty journalist. She used to be a model, and now wrote books about asian beauty.
『”Cosmetic book of KOREA” 運命の韓国コスメBOOK』(竹書房)、
『” KOREAN BEAUTY” 韓流美肌力』(オレンジページ)。

ホーム > 美と健康 > 韓国、美しさの秘密〜上田祥子さん(韓国美容ジャーナリスト)

